Two birds chase each other across the water

Ensuring Clean Water For Future Generations

Every day, the average American uses 40 to 130 gallons of water at home. This goes beyond what we directly consume, extending to energy use, dietary choices and even the kind of toilet you have.

Veolia North America aims to create a shared understanding of how to sustain this resource, and the role we play in ensuring clean water for generations.
Rinsing Broccolli under water
Average Household Water Usage
A house uses more water, and in different ways, than you may realize.
Water drops on leaf
Understanding Water Use in the USA
Measuring commercial, residential and agricultural usage across the country
Indoor Water Tips
Conserving water begins at home; here’s how you can get started.
Gloved hands scrubbing a pot with soap
Dew on grass
Sustainable Landscaping
Planting a greener garden that saves water
Man in a lab coat working
Water Conservation for Business
Get an easy ten-point plan for lowering your commercial water usage.